Tribal Governance
Our Tribe still carries on our traditional way of governing: a Council consisting of one elected representative from each of the seven families that make up the High Plains settlement. The Sappony continue to practice shared leadership through an elected Tribal Chair and Chief. An Executive Committee including an Executive Director, Secretary, and Financial Officer help with the daily business of the tribe. Committees established by the council address specific community concerns such as education, cultural preservation, public relations, and economic development. All positions in the tribe are volunteer. The dedication to Tribe and family in order to further our mission is the backbone of our governance.
Executive Committee
Dorothy Stewart Yates
Otis Martin
Dante Desiderio
Executive Director
Teryn Brewington
Charlene Y. Martin
Tribal Council
Angie Martin Caudle
ColeMan Representative
Krystal Stewart Glasscock
Epps Representative
Jennifer Talley-Ash
Martin Representative
Kara Stewart
Stewart Representative
Curtis Shepherd
Shepherd Representative
Tonda Coleman Huddleston
Talley Representative
kevin Martin
Johnson Representative
Education Committee
Homecoming Committee
Communications Committee
Cultural Committee
Membership Committee
Public Relations Committee
Sappony Heritage Youth Camp Committee
Sappony 5K Committee
Economic Development Authority